Le 10 canzoni più belle su Torino

Turin Confidential

Cosa succede a Torino: informazioni per chi arriva in città 

What’s on in Turin: events and attractions for tourists, occasional visitors and expats

What do you do if summer arrives with a bang all of a sudden? Easy: you try to save as much energy as you can before sunset and then enjoy a drink in the many areas outside restaurants and cafeterias that pinpoint our beautiful city. Or you decide to wear sunglasses, sunscreen (always protect yourself), hat and visit a museum, a fair or attend a festival. Yes, fairs and festivals are back starting from those interrupted last autumn due to the pandemic lockdown.


From 18 to 25 June, ARTiglieria hosts Paratissima Art Station, which will include art projects dedicated to emerging art and photography. Check the website for tickets as we still have Covid restrictions.


From 18 to 20 June, in the 3rd Pavillion of Torino Esposizioni, you will find The Phair  a Photography Fair. Located inside the Valentino Park, you can also decide to take a walk along the Po river, snap a picture on the Isabella Bridge or visit the nearby Medieval village.

The Raffaella De Chirico Art Gallery will take part in The Phair with the works of artists Nico Mingozzi and Eugenia Martinez, and will also join Boosta, musician based in Turin, by representing him as a visual artist with an exhibition open from 24 June to 30 July, from 3pm to 7pm. Where? In a new art space here, in the most spiritual district of the city. Which leads us to the next section.

Food for the soul


If you are familiar with the Italian language, from 17 to 20 June, Turin hosts a festival dedicated to spirituality: Torino Spiritualità. The program includes conferences with international authors, experts of psychology, religion, yoga and anything related to mental wellbeing.

Museo Diocesano hosts an exhibitions where the history of the city is explained through documents coming from San Rocco Church.


And all that jazz!

On the contrary, for the Torino Jazz Festival you do not need to know our language. All you need is a reservation as many concerts sold out quite fast.

June is also the Pride month…


…and Turin hosts the Lovers Film Festival from 17 to 20 June. On the opening day at Museo del Cinema, you have the possibility to meet Fellini’s muse Sandra Milo.



Vinokilo is a touring event for vintage lovers. From 17 to 20 June you will find second-hand clothing at Bunker. The event is free but remember to book on their website due to Covid restrictions.

If you love plants and flowers Flor will transform the city centre in a garden from 18 to 20 June.

June 24 is the Patronal Feast dedicated to San Giovanni. Turin stops for a day but the day before a huge bonfire will be lit in Piazza Castello. On top of the pyre there will be the shape of a bull. Tradition has it that if the bull falls in the direction of Porta Nuova Station, the months which follow will be lucky and prosperous. But if the bull falls in the opposite direction, towards the Royal Palace, then unhappy days will follow.

And for a moment of pure pleasure…

A hot day can be compensated only with a fresh ice-cream. One of my favorite is that of Marchetti. But you cannot leave the city without trying the Gianduja flavor of Fiorio, or Pepino’s Pinguino.


Lori Barozzino

Lori is an interpreter and translator who lives in Turin. You can also find her on www.theitalianblog.net.

Leggi qui le ultime notizie: IL TORINESE

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